My CoolSculpting Journey: A Confidence Metamorphosis

As swimsuit season blesses us once again with its presence, I’m compelled to share my CoolSculpting story; how it’s completely changed my life, and could change yours, too. Yes… I know how dramatic that sounds, but believe me, it’s true!
After losing 45 pounds by learning how to cook healthier when stuck in quarantine, I was attracted to CoolSculpting as a non-invasive alternative to liposuction for my stomach. Even after losing weight, I still felt incredibly self-conscious about my tummy, always buying high-rise jeans and high coverups to hide the remaining pooch. When I looked at myself in the mirror, it didn’t quite reflect who I’d become. So, against my budget’s better judgment, I booked a consultation for CoolSculpting.
The Consultation:
Abby was so friendly and kind, I didn’t even feel nervous or self-conscious baring my extra rolls as we talked about my options! During the consultation, she discussed my lifestyle, my budget, and the results I was looking for. After reviewing the pricing and Becker Cosmetic’s CoolSculpting results, I was ready to invest in a treatment for my upper and lower abdomen. I was lucky enough to book my appointment the same day! I was relieved to hear there’s no downtime at all, so I could enjoy hot yoga right after the treatment

The Treatment:
Before we started, Abby took “before” pictures so I could track my progress—as someone who tends to hide my tummy from the camera, I wasn’t thrilled about it, but I’m thankful now! Then, she used various templates to outline where the applicator would fit best on my body, noticing where the top of my fat “peaked” and where the fat pad ended, in order to target the full volume. Once I was situated in a very comfortable chair with excess pillows, Abby prepped my skin for the applicator, then placed on a sticky gel pad for the machine to target the area properly. From there, the machine suctioned up my fat (kind of like a big vacuum) and began to cool the area.
If you’ve ever experienced the beginnings of frost-bite on a cold day, the feeling of intense cold from CoolSculpting is similar, except it happens incredibly quickly, and numbs the area after only a few minutes. At this time, my sensitive stomach encouraged a tiny bit of nausea, but Abby came to my rescue with water and a couple light snacks. For my lower abdomen, each side took around 45 minutes, while my upper abdomen took around 30 minutes each. So just enough time for me to catch up on a couple Emily in Paris episodes on the provided TV! Beckoned by a rapid beeping, in between each session Abby returned to remove the machine and massage the area for a couple minutes. Kneading my fat like dough, once again, she kept me comfortable, keeping my mind off of the awkward moments.
Cool Effects:
After my appointment, the treated area felt numb and a little swollen for a little while, but slowly regained feeling and returned to normal size. Over the following month, I periodically experienced a strange itchiness from the inside out, along with mild tenderness, which Abby assured me were both normal side effects from the treatment. While a tad annoying, I was quick to ignore this experience when I started to notice my stomach slowly shrinking. Those high waisted jeans I mentioned? They began to feel a bit less tight, and there wasn’t a crease anymore where the bottom of my gut used to protrude. Sure enough, after three months when I came in to review my “after” pictures, I was truly shocked at my results. Beyond happiness, I felt pride in myself for investing in my self-confidence in such a big way.
My Final Takeaway:
Even though seeing my pictures was incredible, my favorite result of CoolSculpting went beyond fat loss, something I discovered on a girl’s trip to Vegas this past May. That trip, I finally felt comfortable enough to wear this red bikini that I had my eye on for years. Without the stomach fat, I wasn’t afraid of a little tummy pouch hanging over the front of the suit. I was even confident enough to post a full body picture on social media! For the first time since I was a child, I really smiled while wearing a bikini. I smiled from my deepest being, and this feeling has changed how I approach the world: how I see myself, others, and everything around me. When my body finally matched the person I believed I was (am), I began to approach self-love in a new light, appreciating my body for adapting so readily to the choices I make every day. I found joy, relief, and hope in seeing results for the better, and realized those results are always within reach.
What Are You Waiting For?
Since my experience with CoolSculpting, I’ve hoped to help light the lives of others still struggling with stubborn fat. In the last few months, I’ve encouraged my mom and one of my best friends to get treatments, and I’m overjoyed to see results on them too! My mom, worried about love handles on her flanks, now wears stylish short tops she’s always avoided. And my friend, recovering from a baby born last October, is slowly wearing tighter and tighter clothes again. It brings me so much happiness to see my loved ones regain lost confidence, and now it’s your turn! Call the girls at Becker Cosmetic today and see what CoolSculpting can do for you!
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